“Moore’s Law: When Physics and Economics Collide ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ“‰”

# Moore’s Law: When Physics and Economics Collide ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ“‰


1. Gordon Moore’s prediction, known as “Moore’s law,” about doubling the number of transistors on integrated circuits every two years has proven accurate and fueled the growth of the consumer electronics industry.

2. Shrinking transistors has allowed for faster speeds and reduced power consumption, while also decreasing production costs per component.

3. However, there are physical limits to further miniaturization, such as the speed of light and the finite size of atoms, posing challenges for sustaining the trend.

## Supplemental Information โ„น๏ธ

This article discusses Gordon Moore’s prediction, known as “Moore’s law,” which accurately foresaw the continuous rise in the density of transistors on integrated circuits. It explores the significance of shrinking transistors in enabling faster and more efficient electronics, as well as the economic benefits of increased component density. The article also acknowledges the physical limitations that may hinder further miniaturization and the potential challenges facing the semiconductor industry in sustaining Moore’s law.

### ELI5 ๐Ÿ’

Gordon Moore made a prediction that the number of transistors on computer chips would double every two years. This prediction, known as “Moore’s law,” came true and helped make our electronics smaller, faster, and cheaper. However, there are limits to how small we can make chips, which could make it harder to continue this trend in the future.

#### Source ๐Ÿ“š: https://physicsworld.com/a/moores-law-further-progress-will-push-hard-on-the-boundaries-of-physics-and-economics/


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